I have always been interested in the design, shape, proportions, symmetry and texture of objects in our everyday environment. To this end, I have undertaken a range of artistic projects over the years - chandeliers being one example. Further inspiration has come from travelling abroad and experiencing different cultures and their art; especially Southern Africa, Vietnam and Japan. 

This interest and attention to detail most probably did contribute to the exacting approach (pedantic, some may say) that I had to my long career as a consultant colorectal surgeon in Scotland.

I have fished from a young age, starting in the harbour in Durban, South Africa and trout fishing in the Drakensberg mountains. In 1985, I moved to Scotland and until 2021, lived on the banks of the stunning River Tay in Perthshire, where, I must admit, my success in salmon and brown trout fishing was not as successful as the ospreys that patrol that part of the river.  Fish are fascinating, in their movement, colours, their sleek shape and variety of species. In 2019, I retired as a surgeon, and have subsequently had more time to develop my artwork;

In January 2018, whilst deep sea fishing in Mozambique, I was lucky enough to catch a couple of tuna.  These fish are magnificently streamlined and have a shimmering colour and very smooth skin. I thought I would try to recreate their form in metal.  After several photographs then a number sketches of tuna head later at home, I created my first metal fish art. I was “hooked”.  I have since created further works of trout (both rainbow and brown), salmon, mackerel and other fish using pewter as the primary medium. I try to recreate each fish in its natural state and the intricate hand etching / engraving on the pewter brings a texture which is very tactile. Each piece is uniquely handmade, using my own bespoke, handcrafted tools, manipulated into relief figure, and then painted. I also use gold and silver leaf and resin to bring the subject to life.  The mounts, also fully handmade, vary from copper (antiqued or patinated), brass to resined aluminium, and more recently, some are mounted into a wooden frame which I also make myself.

My interest in all things birding comes from growing up in South Africa. The variety of birds, from those in an urban environment to those seen in the “bush” (on safari) is magnificent. The call of the African Fish Eagle still produces goosebumps! My first bird sculpture piece is that of a Grey Heron, mounted on brass, and a pair of African Hoopoes.


A room (Studio in Scotland) with a view!


  1. Frames Gallery, Perth frames gallery.co.uk

2. Hattan House art and design gallery, Dunkeld, Perthshire hattonhouseart.com

3. The Lemond Gallery, Bearsden, Glasgow, www.lemondgallery.com


4. Les Arts au Jardin 2023, Bonnes, Charente, France www.lesartsaujardin.fr

Following the open air exhibition in Bonnes, France (“Les Arts au Jardin 2023”), I was interviewed by a journalist from the Charente Libre newspaper. This article was published on 24 August 2023


I am happy to discuss any commission - please email me (info@craigeriksensculpture.co.uk) or (caeriksen@me.com) or phone (+33 748151118)